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The Robert Fitzroy Academy

The whole child is the whole point.

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Modern Foreign Languages or, M.F.L. as it is commonly abbreviated to, is the study of a language other than English. 


At The Robert Fitzroy Academy, the language that we study is, Spanish; this is introduced in KS2. 


Why is MFL part of the RFA curriculum? 


In the words of Nelson Mandela, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language that goes to his heart.”  


Modern Foreign Languages (M.F.L.) allows children to celebrate the wonders of communicating with a wider variety of people and to make strong connections with other traditions and cultures.  Through learning another language, our pupils are given the opportunity to improve their memory, deepen their understanding of English grammatical structures, their knowledge of the world in which we live and explore beyond their immediate surroundings.   


Having the ability to communicate in more than one language provides more possibilities for our pupils and equips them with tools needed in the future for travelling, living and working abroad.   Our curriculum is designed to provide the children with the opportunity to learn vocabulary and develop basic skills and understanding in Spanish with a gradual progression to more complex language structures and more independence in their language learning.   


We aim to prepare RFA pupils for the KS3 languages curriculum to enable them to transfer their knowledge and skills confidently.   


How do we teach MFL at RFA? 


We offer weekly Spanish lessons to all KS2 pupils in line with national statutory requirements.  These lessons are delivered through a range of engaging activities using the Language Angels programme.   In addition to this, pupils throughout the school are exposed to another language through our Good Morning Project.  Children are greeted in the mornings with a different language weekly.  You can see the languages for this term in a document at the bottom of this page.  


Whole- school events that celebrate other countries, cultures and languages also provide opportunities for all pupils to learn about languages in an exciting and engaging way. 


What is taught as a part of the MFL curriculum? 


At RFA, the teaching of MFL is taught in line with the National Curriculum Programme of Study. Pupils are exposed to each of the four skills of language learning; speaking, listening, reading and writing. These skills are reviewed and built upon each year to allow pupils to develop in confidence and fluency.  A full range of resources are used, and the profile of languages is increased across the school. Whole-school events increase the exposure furthermore and children are more confident in learning another language. The knowledge organisers for this term’s units are available below for you to see the key phonics, vocabulary and phrase for your child’s language learning.