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The Robert Fitzroy Academy

The whole child is the whole point.

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School Meals

Healthy Eating
We are a healthy eating school. To ensure consistency and to keep packed lunches in line with food standards for school meals, packed lunches should not contain the following:


  •  Chocolate and chocolate spread as a filling for sandwiches
  • Sweets
  • Chewing gum
  • Sugared / toffee and salted popcorn
  • Crisps or any packet savoury snacks high in salt and fat. Healthier alternatives to crisps can include lentil bites, vegetable crisps or hummus crisps.
  • Fruit Winders or any other processed fruit bars
  • Sugary drinks such as fizzy drinks, sugar -sweetened juice drinks (e.g. Ribena, Capri sun, Fruit Shoots), fruit squash or juice drinks
  • Nuts of any type, including in spreads such as Nutella We have several children and members of staff with severe nut allergies.


The only drink permitted in packed lunches is plain tap water or still mineral water.

We monitor the contents of packed lunches and we contact parents if the content of their child’s packed lunch is unacceptable.


As we actively promote healthy eating within our school, we kindly request that you do not bring birthday cake or party bags into the classroom.

Our catering staff
We offer a healthy hot school meal to all children provided by Harrison Catering.


Harrison Catering at The Robert Fitzroy Academy
We recognise that the food that our customers eat is critically important to their health. We are strongly committed to adopting healthier catering practices and to encouraging healthy and balanced eating by providing and promoting healthier choices.


Our objectives have always been to base our offer on home-cooked food, freshly prepared on site, using fresh ingredients wherever feasible; to maximise access to fruit and vegetables by serving a choice of cooked vegetables, a salad bar and fresh fruit each day; and to serve minimal amounts of fried or highly processed foods.


At Robert Fitzroy over 95% of our daily production is made with fresh ingredients, each day.
We offer meat, fish and vegetarian dishes prepared and cooked on site, with a wide range of cooked and raw vegetables. We encourage pupils to choose intelligently to ensure all food groups are on their plates.
Children are have a choice of desserts, an excellent choice of fresh fruit is available daily.


We believe in offering our customers food they will enjoy all year round, and take an honest approach to the origin and sourcing of our ingredients. Here are some of the key aspects of our purchasing record:


  • We encourage enquiring minds by displaying fresh ingredients used every day
  • We buy over 65 tonnes of Red Tractor certified block cheddar every year
  • All our tuna is line and pole caught
  • All our meat is British and where we offer Halal choice, this is fully certified


Our menus are compliant with the Soil Associations Food For Life Silver Award, which we hold across all of our primary schools, including Robert Fitzroy


Meeting Special Dietary Requirements
We recognise that some of our customers have particular dietary requirements and we make every effort to meet them wherever possible.


We have a set of procedures that our teams are trained to follow when special dietary requests are made. These procedures have been adapted to take into account the young age and/or special needs of some of our customers to ensure we deliver our service in the safest way possible.


Halal Provision
As an organisation, Harrison works very closely with our food suppliers to provide food that meets the cultural and religious needs of our customers. All Halal meat served in our sites is certified. In compliance EU Regulations there is some degree of stunning. Certification is available from our suppliers. In order to ensure we will always have a constant supply of products our butchers have secured supplies from multiple sources. One such supplier is our butcher IMS of Smithfield


Over the last 15 years IMS have customised and enhanced their entire HALAL operation to conform to all Industry requirements and standards to the highest level. Their commitment can be illustrated through their heavy investment in dedicated machinery, staff training, customised labelling systems and accredited segregated HALAL areas to fulfil all specific standards set by their customer base. In recent years the demand for HALAL products has reached record highs and it is paramount that all process steps in the procurement, process, packaging and delivery are followed rigorously. IMS pride themselves in their ability to fulfil these requirements and work closely with the HALAL authorities to ensure that they conform to all required control points requested by the World HALAL Council.


IMS are certificated by the MHCT, one of Malaysia’s most recognised HALAL accreditation bodies as their name and reputation is renowned within Islamic council’s throughout the world.
The MHCT is a member of the International Halal Integrity Alliance and a Partner of the Islamic Chamber Of Commerce & Industry. IMS are certified for the processing, preparation, storage and delivery of Halal meats. The MHCT ensures that they comply in full to Halal Malaysian Standard MS1500:2009 respectively.


Our school meal menu works on a three week rotation. To see our menu click below.
We do not serve pork as part of our hot school meal menu.

School Meal Costs 

All children currently receive free school meals as part of the governments ‘free school meals scheme for primary age children’. Currently this scheme runs until 2025.


Payment options


  • Online via Parent Pay.
  • Please ensure you have your username & password. If you have misplaced this, please ask at the office.
  • Via credit/debit card at the school office
  • Via Pay Point shop – please request a bar coded letter if you wish to use this option.


You will not be allowed to accrue arrears. If at any time your account does fall into arrears meals will be suspended until payment is made.


Local Authority Approved Free School Meals
If you think you are entitled to local authority free school meals, please apply online here. The school attracts funding through successful applications using this route which is then used to assist these parents in funding activity club places, school trips and swimming etc.


Packed Lunches
Children are welcome to bring in a packed lunch but as we are a Healthy eating school (see below) we ask that the children’s packed lunch reflects this.
If you want to change from packed lunches to school meals or from school meals to packed lunches, this change can only be made at the start of each term. A change of Meal Option Form is available by clicking below or from the school office.