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The Robert Fitzroy Academy

The whole child is the whole point.

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School Day

The School Day


The school day runs from 8:40am and ends between 3:15pm (Reception and KS1) and 3:20pm (KS2).

This includes breaks but not optional before or after school activities.


Start of the day


The school gates open at 8:30am and classroom doors at 8:40am.

School starts at 8:45am, allowing a 5 minute ‘window’ for drop off.

Children should come into school via the following entrances:


Year             Entrance
Reception - Classroom Door
Year 1 - Classroom door

Year 2 - Everest & Caspian: Classroom door - Mandarin: Door opposite the cabin (main playground)

Year 3 - Door by the Head Teacher office (main playground)
Year 4 - Second door on the front playground (opposite the muga)
Year 5 - Yukon & Lake Tahoe: Door opposite the wave (main playground) Niagara: Door in far right corner (main playground) 
Year 6 - Van Gogh & Hepworth: Door opposite the cabin (main playground) Da Vinci: Door opposite the wave


School starts at 8:45am. The classroom doors open 5 minutes prior to this to allow a ‘window’ for drop off. The register for the morning session will be taken at 8:45am and will be kept open until 9:30am. If a child arrives after the register is taken they are recorded as Late (L code). If a child arrives after the close of the register (9:30am), they are marked late, after registers close (U code).  


Children arriving after 8.50am are required to come in to school via the School Office accompanied by a parent or carer. The parent/carer will sign them in and provide a reason for their lateness which is recorded.


End of the day


At the end of the day, children are dismissed from the following doors:


Year          Exit
Reception - Classroom door
Year 1 - Classroom door

Year 2 - Everest & Caspian: Classroom door Mandarin: Door opposite cabin (main playground)

Year 3 - Door by the Head Teacher’s office (main playground)

Year 4 - Mayan: Second door on the front playground (opposite the muga) Inca & Carib: First door on the front playground (opposite the climbing frame)

Year 5 - Yukon and Lake Tahoe: Door opposite the wave (main playground) Niagara: Door in the far right corner (main playground)

Year 6 - Van Gogh: Second door on the front playground (opposite the muga) Hepworth: Door opposite cabin (main playground) Da Vinci: Door opposite the wave (main playground)