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The Robert Fitzroy Academy

The whole child is the whole point.

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Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum


"Nurturing learners who are resilient, focused and aspirational"


The Robert Fitzroy Academy is an exciting place to learn. We think and dream big for our pupils encouraging and supporting them along the way way.  


Curriculum Intent:

Our curriculum is designed to enable and enact our school’s vision and mission and is led by 4 key drivers:


Professional Capital

An excellent academic education that brings out the personal best in each student.


Cultural Capital

Our curriculum provides enriching and memorable experiences, and promotes enjoyment and curiosity about the world.


Pastoral Capital

Pastoral care to ensure positive mental health and wellbeing of pupils. We provide an education that nurtures and teaches positive relationships. Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development, promoting British values are all covered in the curriculum.


Aspirational Capital

Developing excellent learning attitudes and promoting strategies for learning for life through a values led education. Children are taught to have a growth mindset and given opportunities to develop cognitive thinking. 



Our curriculum intent is to provide an exciting and ambitious curriculum that meets the needs of every child to prepare them to thrive in our rapidly changing world.


Our curriculum is rich, exciting, broad, balanced, and accessible for all.  We aim to create learners whose brilliance is discovered “The whole child is the whole point”, learners who treat others as equals, learn effectively with resilience, are inspired and are enthusiastic about their own development.


Our curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced and adapted for all pupil's including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. 


We continue to develop and review our curriculum, which is driven by exciting topics, and texts, that are meaningful and relevant to our learners and that foster a love of learning.  Our broad and balanced curriculum enables all children to access a diverse range of experiences to enhance their learning, where subject leads have planned and sequenced their subject curriculum to build on each child’s prior knowledge, developing and broadening their learning.


Knowledge and skills are purposefully structured to enable progression across each subject, year on year, whilst also allowing children to apply their learning in an interconnected way across subjects.

Our curriculum is made exceptional by the creativity in which it is delivered. At The Robert Fitzroy Academy we use every opportunity we can to enrich our curriculum through stimulating experiences such as great topics, exploration, workshops, special events, residential visits and school trips.


What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.


