Why is Music part of the RFA curriculum?
At RFA, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to build upon their ‘Cultural Capital’ and have experiences that broaden their horizons.
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. It is a unique way of motivating and inspiring children, and is an important vehicle for self-expression.
Music can be a way in which children can express their creativity, discover a hidden talent, boost self-confidence and work collaboratively. It is an important driving force in allowing children to develop their understanding and spark curiosity about the world around them.
How do we teach Music at RFA?
We aim to make music an enjoyable learning experience for all. We encourage the children to participate in a variety of musical opportunities to enhance their cultural experiences.
Teaching of music is primarily done through singing and the children, from all year groups, have the opportunity to perform in a variety of settings.
Throughout their time at the RFA, children will have the opportunity to learn several different instruments in weekly, whole class lessons.
In KS2, some of the children are taught a variety of string instruments through highly skilled and qualified peripatetic teachers. Children also have the opportunity to develop their talent through individual violin and cello lessons.
P4C (Philosophy for Children) sessions enable the children to develop a critical engagement with music. We recognise that there are children of widely different musical abilities in all classes, so we provide suitable learning for all. We aim to make music a cross-curricular subject and teach this alongside our Cornerstones topics to ensure a truly immersive experience.
What is taught as part of the Music curriculum?
At RFA, we use the Cornerstones Music Essential Skills Y1 to Y6 as a basis for the objectives that need to be covered throughout each year group. These skills are based on the objectives set out in The National Curriculum.
Children are taught progressively and their skills are built upon each year. Each topic is carefully planned to provide a stimulating and engaging music curriculum which enables the children to demonstrate the skills that are outlined in Cornerstones.
Children are taught a variety of skills including:
- how to work with others to make music
- how individuals combine together to make sounds;
- how to appreciate extended pieces of music
- the history and culture of music
- how to compose music
- how to sing in tune and perform as part of an ensemble
The children are exposed to lots of opportunities through music and these are enhanced further through visitors, trips and expert peripatetic teaching. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build the confidence of all children throughout their time at RFA.
Further Reading
Music Roadmaps
To help you understand the sequential progression in music learning from one year group to another, we have produced roadmap for the 5 core strands of music. Please click any of the documents below for a more detailed explanation of how concepts will be built upon from year to year.