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The Robert Fitzroy Academy

The whole child is the whole point.

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Our Vision, Values and Aims

Our Vision


"Nurturing learners who are resilient, focused and aspirational"


The Robert Fitzroy Academy is an exciting place to learn. We think and dream big for our pupils encouraging and supporting them along the way.


Our Values

Enquiry – We are explorers of the world

Resilience – We get up, we dust off, we keep trying

Morality – We do the right thing (even if no one is looking)

Co-operation - We work together and share

Communication – We talk, we listen

Thoughtfulness – We think of others and think deeply about our learning

Respect – We Value difference

Adaptability –We can change if the situation requires it



Mission Statement

The Robert Fitzroy Academy caters for children aged between 4 and 11. We provide our children with a creative and progressive learning environment in which they develop their academic, physical, spiritual, moral, social and cultural lives. We recognise and value the rich linguistic and cultural diversity in our school and the local community. We endeavour to ensure that each child is able to have the skills, independence and initiative to excel in their achievements. We are committed to developing resilient, engaged life-long learners who are responsible members of an aspirational school and wider community.


Our Aims

To fulfil our mission statement, our aims are:


  • To create a safe, welcoming, creative learning environment that reflects the high expectations we have for all in the RFA community


  • To provide an engaging curriculum that facilitates the characteristics of effective learning, creates independent thinkers and inspires young minds


  • To encourage our pupils and promote confidence through celebrating personal, social and academic achievement


  • To develop and maintain links with our parent and carers involving them as active partners with the school for the benefit of their children’s education


  • To serve the community by developing responsible citizens