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The Robert Fitzroy Academy

The whole child is the whole point.

Contact Details

Contact Us

If you would like to comment on any part of our website, or have suggestions for things you would like to see on these pages, please feel free to fill out the form below and click on the 'submit' button. We would love to hear from you.


Our office is open between 8:30am and 4pm. For general enquiries our school receptionist - Cheryl, will be happy to help or you may be passed on to another member of the Admin Team for more specific help.


For information about our Admin Team please go to our Who’s Who page.


If you would like a paper copy of any of our website content, please contact us.



The school’s telephone number is 020 8662 9700. Unlike many other schools we do not have an answering machine and the phone will be answered by a member of staff for as long as there are people in the building. However, it may be necessary to take a message for another member of staff who will get back to you as soon as possible.


Emailing the School

The school’s email address is [email protected] and messages are collected every day. Please note that the school never responds to unsolicited e-mail including CVs.



80 Brampton Road



Disabled Parking

Disabled parking is available close by. The school has an accessibility lift which can be used to enable access to upstairs classrooms. Our main hall and sports halls are accessible to all.


Please feel free to contact the school office if you have any further queries relating to disable access to the school.


5 minute Walk Zone

Year 3 have created a special map which shows how far a 5 minute walk to/from our school is. They set off from different entrances to the school and walked for 5 minutes, each group following a different route.



All of the final destinations were plotted on this map to create the 5 minute walk zone. By walking, scooting or cycling within this zone, you can help to keep our local environment safe for our children as they travel to and from school.


You can plan your journey using the journey planner.


REACH2CROYDON Academy Trust Company registration number: 08126815


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