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The Robert Fitzroy Academy

The whole child is the whole point.

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School Uniform

School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. It can instil pride; support positive behaviour and discipline; encourage identity with, and support for, school ethos; ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils.


Hewitts is our school uniform provider.

Iron on embroidered school badges


The RFA PTA sell iron on school logo embroidered badges which means you can buy uniform from other retailers and then iron on our badge afterwards.
Please make sure you stick to the school colours when purchasing uniform from other retailers. Uses the table above as guidance.


To order one or more embroidered badges at £2.50 each click below to download an order form

Labelling and Lost Property

We strongly advise that all clothing worn, or brought to school, is named. This is especially important, as uniform items look similar and can easily be confused for another child’s. If you are looking for a name tag service then we recommend mynametags. Please use the code number 18397 when ordering. It raises money directly for the school.



Our lost property shelves are wheeled out onto the playground on most days for parents to look through and claim their child’s belongings. Any unclaimed items of lost property are given to a local charity at the end of each half term. The school cannot accept responsibility for any lost items.