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The Robert Fitzroy Academy

The whole child is the whole point.

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Learning Celebrations 2023-24

Character Education at RFA   


               Learning Celebrations 2023-24


                 ‘The Whole Child is the Whole Point’


Learning Celebrations are our way of sharing what we do every day at RFA. All parents and carers are invited to drop in to the classroom, catch up with the teachers and learn about what and how the children have been learning over the term. There’ll be talks, demonstrations, art exhibitions, home learning, book readings and more.


Add these dates to your diary!


Year 1

Tuesday 12th December

Tuesday 19th March

Tuesday 9th July


Year 2

Wednesday 13th December

Wednesday 20th March

Wednesday 10th July


Year 3

Monday 18th December

Monday 18th March

Monday 8th July


Year 4

Thursday 14th December

Wednesday 27th March

Wednesday 17th July


Year 5

Thursday 7th December

Thursday 28th March

Thursday 18th July


Year 6

Thursday 14th December

Tuesday 26th March

Tuesday 9th July